
It looks like you are running an operating system that is not Microsoft Windows. Steelray Project Viewer only supports Windows, so no download happened.

Getting Started With Steelray Project Viewer

How to Install

  • Run the installation program that you downloaded (on Windows, it’s probably in your Downloads folder).
  • Answer the questions.


  • Windowsviewer lives in the Start Menu under “Steelray Software”

Open and View a File

When you first start viewer, it will ask you what file it wants you open.
(Microsoft Project files end in .mpp)

After you open it, Viewer should look something like this:

But with your project data, of course.

Try Different Views

Dig a little deeper

Go back to the Gantt view, and click on a task name, a person’s name, or a date to see what happens.

Use the Navigation buttons to go back

Viewer works like a browser; you can go back and forward to where you’ve been.

Conduct a search

Viewer has a built in search engine – just one of the many ways it’s actually easier to use than Microsoft Project

Next Steps

Try it out for a few days.
When you are ready to purchase, there’s no need to reinstall; we’ll simply email you a key.